Fruity Chia Pudding (Sugar and Fat Less)
Fruity Chia Pudding (Sugar and Fat Less)

Hello everybody, I hope you are having an incredible day today. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, fruity chia pudding (sugar and fat less). It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I will make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

These seeds are tiny but powerful with their calcium, iron, antioxidant and fibre content. Scrape into a medium bowl; mix in chia, syrup and vanilla. You can't have chia pudding without chia seeds. Pour coconut milk into a bowl and sweeten with Stevia to taste.

Fruity Chia Pudding (Sugar and Fat Less) is one of the most well liked of current trending meals in the world. It is appreciated by millions daily. It’s easy, it is quick, it tastes delicious. They’re nice and they look fantastic. Fruity Chia Pudding (Sugar and Fat Less) is something which I have loved my whole life.

To get started with this recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can have fruity chia pudding (sugar and fat less) using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Fruity Chia Pudding (Sugar and Fat Less):
  1. Prepare 1/4 cup Chia seeds
  2. Make ready 1/2 cup Skimmed Milk
  3. Get 1 cup Fresh homemade curd
  4. Prepare 8 Ripe Strawberries
  5. Get 2 Ripe Bananas
  6. Make ready 8 Dates
  7. Get 2 teaspoons Honey or maple syrup (optional)

Chia pudding is a healthy recipe, but it's not ideal for weight loss because it's high fat and has very little protein. When you're in need of a quick, no-cook, make-ahead breakfast, chia pudding checks all the boxes. You can even keep jars of it in the fridge for snacks or dessert. We love the contrast between the sweet-but-creamy coconut and the slightly sour plum compote, and the generous array of healthy ingredients, from acacia honey to yogurt and rice milk.

Instructions to make Fruity Chia Pudding (Sugar and Fat Less):
  1. Fitst, take a fine strainer, add the chia seeds and wash under running water. Soak the cleaned chia seeds in a cup of warm milk. Cover and keep in fridge overnight.
  2. In the morning, take out the soaked seeds which will have absorbed the milk and swelled up.
  3. Chop the dates and bananas. Slice the strawberries and 2 dates for garnish. Add to the curd and stir well. You may add Anjir or figs instead of dates. Also you can substitute bananas with apple/ pear/ pomegranate/ sitaphal etc.
  4. Then mix in the chia milk mixture to the curd and stir well. You can add honey or maple syrup for sweetness but I have kept it sugar less. Now, arrange 2 serving bowls. Pour 1 spoonful of chia curd at the bottom. Then place strawberries and dates. Then layer with chia curd and repeat again.
  5. Top up with garnish of strawberries and dates. Chill for 10 minutes or serve immediately. Enjoy this delicious and very healthy breakfast.

You can even keep jars of it in the fridge for snacks or dessert. We love the contrast between the sweet-but-creamy coconut and the slightly sour plum compote, and the generous array of healthy ingredients, from acacia honey to yogurt and rice milk. Enjoy delicious diet milkshake, protein pancakes or fruity chia pudding. Chia Shake products feature a high protein and fibre content and are low in carbohydrate, sugar and fat. To assemble: Add a couple of spoonfuls of chia pudding in a small glass or glass jar.

So that’s going to wrap this up with this exceptional food fruity chia pudding (sugar and fat less) recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am confident that you can make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!